Monday, June 17, 2019

Sprague 2nd Graders Write Stories

I know school is over for the summer (for students anyway), but I promised I would post a few of my 2nd graders' stories. 

You see we read this book in library:

And then we decided to follow Rocket's example and go on a word hunt - outside!

Then we wrote stories using the words we "found" as inspiration or a jumping off point.

Here are a couple of the resulting amazing 2nd grade stories:

by Maeve:
One day the sun was shining brightly. Owen the owl was playing in the sprinkler. Meanwhile, Rocky the robin was playing basketball. Suddenly both of them saw a golden brick. They rushed toward it, the crashed straight into each other. 
Owen said, "Do you want to play in the sprinkler with me?"
Rocky said, "Do you want to play in basketball with me?"
They both nodded in agreement.
"Sprinkler Basketball!" they shouted.
So they played and played and played until their moms came and they had a surprise, worm and gummies!
So they ate and had a great time.
The end.

by James:
Once upon a  time, there was a chicken that liked bees, but they did not like him. Every day the chicken named Alfred went to the beehive and he would get stung.  So the next day Alfred did not go to the beehive, but Alfred went to the flower where they go to get pollen. The bees did not think that the day could get any better. There was a rock in front of their flower and then the king bee flew right into the rock and now he is in a better place and the other bees were praying for the king bee. Alfred jumped out of nowhere and said, "I will keep doing this if you will not be my friends." But the new king bee said, "No!" So Alfred's friends put a tracking device on the king bee and the next day Alfred raced to the beehive.

Thanks for reading!
Have a great summer,
-Ms. J.

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