Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The 1st Day of School

Hi there, my name is Ms. J. and I am the new Library Teacher at Sprague Elementary School starting today - the first day of school.

I had a great first day of school and had a chance to meet the entire 5th grade class and find out what they read over the summer.

I read a lot of books over the summer myself - some long, some short.  Here I am reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

 I also read while riding the T in Boston and while visiting the only full size replica of the Parthenon which happens to be in Nashville, Tennessee (not Greece, like you might think).


I love reading all kinds of books - chapter books, picture books and graphic novels. Nonfiction books and fiction books.  I even read newspapers and magazines.  Crazy right?!

You might saying reading is my hobby. That is a pretty good hobby for a library teacher to have.
I am looking forward to the new school year and getting a chance to know every student at Sprague.

Happy 1st Day of School everyone!
See you tomorrow,
Ms. J.